Our Carbon Reduction Plan CRP

Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd has committed to achieving Net Zero by 2030.

Carbon Reduction Plan CRP


The purpose of this Carbon Reduction Plan is to outline Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental sustainability.

This plan serves as a roadmap for our company's efforts to minimise our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. We are committed to achieving Net Zero by 2030.


Our carbon reduction objectives are as follows:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with our operations.

  • Increase energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energy sources.

  • Minimise waste generation and promote recycling and reuse practices.

  • Optimise transportation methods to reduce emissions.

  • Promote sustainable procurement practices, favouring environmentally friendly materials and suppliers.

  • Educate and engage our employees, clients, and stakeholders in sustainable practices.

Energy Efficiency

Conduct energy audits to identify areas for improvement and implement energy-saving measures in our offices, workshops, and facilities.

Upgrade to energy-efficient equipment, including lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.

Encourage employee awareness and participation in energy-saving initiatives.

Renewable Energy

Explore opportunities for onsite renewable energy generation, such as solar panels or wind turbines.

Investigate and consider the use of renewable energy suppliers for our operations.

Waste Management

Implement a comprehensive waste management system that emphasises waste reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal.

Provide appropriate recycling facilities and promote recycling practices among our employees.

Minimise paper usage through digitalization and electronic documentation systems.

Encourage the use of recycled and environmentally friendly materials in our operations.


Promote alternative transportation options for employees, such as carpooling, public transit, or cycling.

Optimise routing and scheduling to minimise fuel consumption and emissions.

Transition to low-emission vehicles where feasible and promote the use of electric vehicles.

Sustainable Procurement

Develop and implement a sustainable procurement policy that considers environmental factors in supplier selection.

Give preference to suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability and provide eco-friendly products and materials.

Employee Engagement and Education

Conduct regular training and awareness programs to educate employees on sustainable practices and their role in carbon reduction.

Encourage employee feedback and ideas for improving sustainability within our company.

Recognise and reward individuals or teams that actively contribute to our carbon reduction efforts.

Monitoring and Reporting

Establish a system for monitoring and reporting our carbon emissions and progress towards reduction targets.

Regularly review and update our Carbon Reduction Plan to incorporate new technologies, best practices, and industry standards.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Seek collaboration with industry peers, environmental organisations, and local communities to share knowledge and best practices for carbon reduction.

Engage with relevant stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, and government agencies, to foster a collective effort in achieving environmental sustainability.

By implementing this Carbon Reduction Plan, Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting environmental stewardship in line with the highest standards of sustainability.

We will regularly review our progress and make necessary adjustments to achieve our carbon reduction goals while contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Simon Rotheram - Managing Director

Company Name: Beechwood Trees and Landscapes Ltd

Date: 31 May 2023